Kordel Eberly
The recent stay-at-home orders that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to work from home. Before the pandemic, Pew Research Center reported that 9.8 million US civilian workers were working from home. In the scheme of things, that is not a large number; it’s only 7% of all US civilian workers.
Although it is too early to know whether more people will be working from home after the pandemic, a Zippia poll revealed that 51% of workers said they’d prefer forgoing the trek into the office and working from home full-time. One expert predicts, “we will see 25-30% of the workforce working at home on a multiple-days-a-week basis by the end of 2021.”
This is great news for many workers, but working from home does come with its share of challenges. One of those challenges is maintaining teamwork and morale among employees working remotely.
In an office setting, workers are surrounded by the energy and comradery of co-workers. Working remotely can result in feelings of isolation, which can affect teamwork and morale and, in turn, productivity.
Here are three tips for managers to help maintain teamwork and morale among employees working remotely.
Feeling isolated can be a key contributor to low morale, so managers must communicate regularly with employees working remotely to let them know that they are not alone. Technology has made communicating much easier, and managers should use a variety of channels.
Emails are a great way to communicate detailed information and provide an electronic paper trail. Texts allow you to communicate less detailed information quickly. Phone calls can be a more personal way to communicate.
The drawback to all of these communication channels is the lack of non-verbal communication.
Experts agree that nonverbal communication – facial expression, body language, etc. – dominates verbal communication. Entrepreneur magazine reported, “Understanding non-verbal communication is crucial for the entrepreneur. Your life and business are dependent upon successful communication with others.”
Video allows for that non-verbal communication, which is why managers should make a point of communicating via video regularly with employees working remotely. A video conference is an efficient way to communicate with a group of people and encourage discussion, but every employee also needs some one-on-one time as well.
Communicate with your employees working remotely:
Managers must remember that employees working remotely are human, and as humans, they are social beings. In an office, people see each other in the break room or around the water cooler. Employees working remotely don’t have that, and it can result in feelings of isolation and a lack of teamwork.
Show employees who are working remotely that you recognize them as human beings, that they are essential to the company, and that you care about their well-being. Share milestones and celebrations through internal communication channels. Consider hosting virtual birthday or anniversary celebrations.
Encourage employees to meet up – virtually and if it’s doable in person - to do fun things together. Virtually, they can play online games during lunch breaks or participate in video calls during break time to chat about something other than work.
When working remotely, it’s easy to become glued to your desk all day, but regular breaks actually improve productivity (along with morale). Encourage your employees working remotely to take regular breaks. You could even set up a system that lets other teammates know when a team member is on a lunch break and should not be disturbed.
Working from home can make some employees feel as if their careers are stagnated. Regular training and development have been shown to improve employee performance, improve satisfaction and morale, reveal weaknesses and strengthen skills, increase productivity and innovation, reduce employee turnover, and enhance your company’s reputation.
E-learning is a great way to keep your employees working remotely engaged, help them build professional skills, and let them know that you’re willing to invest in their development.
Any one of these tips can help managers maintain teamwork and morale in employees working in an office setting, but they become even more critical for employees working remotely.
Eberly Systems offers Microsoft Teams and other IT solutions designed to help managers stay connected with employees working remotely, and to help maintain teamwork and morale. Call us today at 610-374-4049 or f ind us onlineto learn more.